
What are the available payment methods ?
We actually accept Bank Transfer (, Cryptocurrency, Paypal, Stripe and Credit Card.
Can i use X points to pay my order?
As far as you own X points on your account, you can use both to pay and save on the total amout.
What happens to my X points if my order is cancelled ?
If your order has been cancelled and refund, then the X points you used will be restored as well.
My carrier required me to pay extra fees to receive my package. Why ?
Since we are shipping all packages from Japan, your country may ask you to pay import duties, customs fees, VAT taxes. You have to pay all these taxes because it is the buyer's responsability. Please read carefully our conditions.
Can i change the payment method ?
If you choosed the following payment method: crypto currency, International money transfer, we will be able to change your payment method and send to you an invoice with the instructions. However we cannot change a payment made on Paypal/stripe and/or if you pay by credit card.
Can i split the payment and receive the package before ?
No, we cannot accept spit payment service and only requests with payment confirmation will be fullfilled.
Can i pay in my local currency?
We accept most of currencies if you pay by wise or cryptocurrency. However we accept only Japanese yen if you pay from Stripe/Paypal/Credit Card
How can I use my X Points?
You can use your X points at the checkout process. The X points will be subtracted from the total amount. 1 X point equal 1 Japanese yen.